jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009

Sometimes Saints like helping twisted-"tamarindini" girls

I was running. I had 20 pesos in my pocket. When I finished, I put my hand inside it and the money was gone. I was running-walking to find it. Suddenly I remembered when my mother told me : everytime you loose something, just ask San Antonio, he'll help you, so, I was there asking my bill to a man I've never known, "San Antonio, please, I want my money back, please, let me find it".

Lost & found

As soon as I found it, I said at loud "¡Gracias San Antonio!" Some people were near and obviously they looked at me if I were a complete freak, anyway, I felt happy. When I came back home I told my mother about it. She told me " I told you Lorena! he really makes miracles! Now you have to pay him 13 coins for each thing you've lost". I have 3 days to pay him back...

2 comentarios:

Armandís de Mina dijo...

it's that payment some form of ransom? I mean, if you don't pay him back, will he retrieve the bill?
Those 13 coins must be of one peso? So, if you pay him 13 pesos for giving you your money back, isn't that like a 7 pesos miracle??
I mean, it's cool, but it would have been way much cooler if you had found a 100 (or higher) pesos bill.


le consentement tacite dijo...

LOL! 20 pesos is too much for me! With that money I can pay a)3 bus tickets plus one or two bubble gums b)One or 2 h2Oh!!! -I really like that beverage- honey, I'm not rich!!! lol. I have to pay 13 coins of one peso -13 pesos-.
;) Maybe it would be a 7 pesos miracle,ha ha
